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MetroDeal is great for big groups. Or big appetites.

Looking to purchase MetroDeals in bulk for big groups or for a company/school outing? MetroDeal Corporate Deals Programme helps you take care of bulk purchases that your credit card cannot support.
To start, fill out this form and our friendly agent will be in touch with you.

Corporate Order Form

Looking to buy MetroDeals for a huge group of people? We'll help you. Fill out this form and one of our agents will contact you shortly.

Kindly take note that each deal comes with its own set of terms & conditions - do find out more from our agent! :)

Your Contact Details

Please provide working phone number(s) and email address(es) so we could reach you!


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Your Booking Requirements

Tell us more about the deal you're interested to buy in bulk for.
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Other Important Information

If you have any other requirements/enquiries, please let us know.
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